Stickers and labels on glass windows, mirrors, and jars can be a huge pain to remove. Try one of these 12 easy methods to get stickers off of glass.
Mary Marlowe Leverette has over four decades of experience and has been writing and consulting for more than 20 years sharing her knowledge on efficient housekeeping, stain removal methods, and textile conservation. Stickers Custom

Has this happened to you? You finally find the perfectly-shaped glass jar for your craft project but it has an ugly label on it that won't budge. Or, your kiddos find the sticker stash and cover every mirror they can reach. Don't fret. We have 12 easy methods including soaking that jar in hot, soapy water to get stickers off glass and save the day. Since stickers use a variety of glues and some glass items, like windows, can't be submerged, try one method and if it doesn't work, try another. One of these will work!
While it is usually the adhesive that is the most difficult to remove from glass, if the sticker surface has a water-repellent glossy or metallic finish you may need to score the surface. Working in a grid, use a safety box cutter to score the surface of the sticker. Use a light touch to prevent scratching the glass.
No rubbing alcohol on hand? Substitute vodka, gin, or tequila.
WD-40 contains hydrocarbon solvents that can loosen some types of glue.
Select a nail polish remover that contains acetone.
Several commercial adhesive removers on the market (Goo Gone, Goof Off, Un-Du) work well to remove stickers from glass. These are basic steps but always follow the label directions carefully.
Most glass cleaners contain alcohol and water that will help remove adhesives.
The enzymes and solvents in laundry stain removers can break down some types of glue.
The mild acid in vinegar breaks up some types of adhesives.
The moist heat from a steam cleaner can melt adhesives.

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