CARENCRO, La. (KPEL News) - A Facebook user claiming she was hit with a urine-filled bag during the Carencro Mardi Gras parade on Saturday has gone viral, leading others to demand answers.
According to the woman who posted the claim on Facebook, she was hit with a bag of beads that had urine in it. "That's a nasty MF," she said of whoever threw it. Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure

Her post has been shared hundreds of times and she has received dozens of comments in support of her, and suggesting she take legal action like filing a report.
"I would proceed with charges and whatever else you see fit to do," one person said.
"I would have checked what float it was and reported that to a police officer," another said.
A Facebook post in a group for residents of Carencro broke the news to members after it a story was broadcast on KLFY Sunday night. Like the original post about the incident, many of the comments were outraged over the allegation.
"That's disgusting," one person wrote. "Some people don't know how to act like civilized human beings, they acting like animals instead..."
But others questioned the allegation because there was no evidence publicly available - including photos or video. There has been no comment from the City of Carencro, the parade organizers, or any city officials since the allegation was made.
The Carencro Mardi Gras parade was already a source of drama in the community. Guidelines over the number of floats and what music could be played from them had already generated a lot of heated debate.
READ MORE: Carencro Mardi Gras Parade Revises Music Policy: DJs Now Allowed Louisiana Woman’s ‘Mic Drop’ Post Boldly Addresses Carencro Mardi Gras Parade Concerns
The recent changes were made to ensure a "family-friendly atmosphere," but the changes were met with a lot of pushback, and a lot of grumbling from the community.
Regardless of what drama there is, any drama and negativity only serves to hurt the community, rather than bring it together. Any misbehavior during one of these public events ruins what is otherwise supposed to be a celebration.

Urine Bag We'd love to see this situation get resolved one way or another.