
‘Oh F**k!’: Taika Waititi Stuns With Trump’s Demands For Commercial | HuffPost Latest News

Taika Waititi directed Donald Trump in NBC’s 2012 Super Bowl ad and this week revealed the then-“Apprentice” star had multiple requirements, even though Trump ultimately only appeared on screen for less than two seconds.

“I directed Trumpy,” Waititi recalled on Jason Bateman, Will Arnett and Sean Hayes’ “Smartless” podcast of Trump’s blink-and-you-miss-it appearance in the “Brotherhood of Man” musical number that featured the then-stars of NBC and its hit shows like “The Office,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Community” and “30 Rock.” Waterproof Led Spotlight

‘Oh F**k!’: Taika Waititi Stuns With Trump’s Demands For Commercial | HuffPost Latest News

“Did you have a set of specifications that you had to adhere to?” asked Bateman.

“There was a piece of paper with a list of demands,” Waititi replied.

Bateman said, “Right. The way that he likes to be lit? The height of the camera?”

“Yep. The height of the camera. Exactly. It had to be a certain height to make him look a little thinner,” Waititi remembered.

“I think it had like a sort of, whatever the Pantone of orange was that he had to appear as on screen,” Waititi added.

“There was also a sort of like a make-up person who was also his ego booster,” Waititi said, who would “touch him and say, ’Oh Mr. Trump, oh Mr. Trump, you look fantastic,” he added.

Listen from the 27:30 mark here:

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‘Oh F**k!’: Taika Waititi Stuns With Trump’s Demands For Commercial | HuffPost Latest News

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