Cube Berlin’s shimmering, all glass architecture, with its angles and edges, mirror a modern image of the bustling Washingtonplatz in the German Capital City. To realize its reflective exterior, Eastmen’s Saflex™ Solar (SG) and Saflex™ Structural (DG) PVB interlayers were carefully selected to ensure a structurally sound building with effective solar control. This pioneering double-skin façade was realized through the cooperation of 3XN Architects in Copenhagen, engineers, and industry experts. In light of the building’s technical intricacies and requirements, their combined work resulted in a material that serves as a compelling case study in the field of architectural glass.
Cube Berlin’s double-skin façade feature Saflex PVB interlayers to ensure a structurally sound building with effective solar control Home Building Materials

all images courtesy of Eastman unless stated otherwise | photo: M.Haller
The glimmering walls on the Berlin building were realized from technologies developed by global specialty chemical company, Eastman. Since 1937, glass fabricators and automotive engineers have looked to the company’s Saflex PVB interlayers for laminated glass applications like the one found in the Cube. Layered PVB is a compelling option for architectural applications, as it bolsters structural integrity, provides a versatile color palette, diminishes noise levels, and offers solar UV protection.
Saflex PVB interlayers by Eastman are often used in laminated glass applications
Achieving the Cube’s walls, with its numerous aesthetic and performance challenges, called for a team of material and construction experts. Eastman, in partnership with Guardian Glass and other specialists, brought their respective industry’s knowledge to the table. Through comprehensive testing and modeling, they derived a novel approach to laminated glass that merged structural and solar PVB (polyvinyl butyral) technologies. Its composition was presented to and received approval from the national standards board, ‘Zulassung im Einzelfall ZiE’.
‘To design such a complex product, you need real teamwork, which is exactly what happened during the design phase with the glass supplier, the PVB supplier, the architect, and the façade consultant all working closely together,’ says Joachim Fauth of Drees & Sommer, façade consultant on the project.
Eastman, in partnership with Guardian Glass and other specialists worked together to create the glass laminate
Through this collaboration, Cube Berlin’s transparent glass material was created, harmoniously complementing the clear blue sky while punctuating the urban landscape. This laminate material combines coatings, Saflex PVB interlayers, and glass, forming a surface that efficiently manages heat without the need for additional layers. To meet the building owner’s stringent energy requirements, Guardian Glass and Eastman selected a reflective solar coating for the building’s exterior. In addition, they integrated a Saflex solar-absorbing PVB interlayer to regulate the solar heat within the interior space.
Cube Berlin’s laminate material combines coatings, Saflex PVB interlayers, and glass
Inside, because of the complexity of the exterior building medium, occupants of the Cube are treated with floor-to-ceiling views while enjoying a comfortable yet highly energy-efficient space. From the outside, passersby can meditate on the ever-changing reflections of Washingtonplatz, Berlin, where the city’s business, government, and cultural districts converge in its angled planes.
featured product(s): Saflex™ Solar and Saflex™ Structural PVB interlayers
architect(s): 3XN |
glass configuration : 8mm GuardianUltraClear/Sunguard Coating/Saflex Solar (SG)/Saflex Structural (DG)/8mm GuardianUltraClear/Sunguard coating + IGU 6mm/12/4mm/12/6mm
client: Immo Germany |
glass laminator: Guardian Glass |
facade consultant: Drees & Sommer |
laminated glass: BGT Bischof Bretten |
photo credit: M.Haller | Eastman

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