By Guy Campos in Digital Signage and DOOH, UK&I September 13, 2022 0
Out of Home LED screen operators throughout the UK have united to honour the memory of the Queen, following an extraordinary 70-year reign. Led Panel Board

Digital Out Of Home LED screens throughout the UK bore messages of tribute to the Queen, following the announcement of her passing last week.
Major DOOH network operators, including Ocean Outdoor, JCDecaux, Clear Channel and Global all received an approved black-and-white official image from Buckingham Palace and the Cabinet Office.
The companies had already taken steps to honour the Queen, including suspending all advertising for the day.
Major display sites, including Ocean Outdoor’s Picadilly Lights in London and Clear Channel’s 72-metre long Storm Cromination site in Cromwell Road, London, were among those carrying the image. Bus shelters were also prominent in honouring the Queen.
All on-screen advertising is to be paused again and replaced with a commemorative message on the day of the Queen’s state funeral on Monday, 19 September.
A statement from Ocean Outdoor said: “Out Of Home is a public medium – we are integrated into the communities of the towns and cities of the UK and it is right that we use our reach to pay tribute to an extraordinary reign. We are proud to use the power of our medium to pay our respects.”
A statement from Clear Channel said: “As an industry, we deemed it important to use our public screens in an appropriate and thoughtful way during a time like this.”
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